At Home With… Nurse Practitioner Erin Churchill


Nurse Practitioner Erin Churchill has been on the front line in Southern Georgian Bay’s battle against COVID-19 for months. Erin works at the COVID-19 drive-through testing and assessment centre in Collingwood and takes care of patients as a member of the Georgian Bay Family Health Team (GBFHT). When she’s not working long days, erin enjoys every minute at home
in Thornbury with husband Chris Callahan and their children, Audrey, 8, and Rory, 6. OUR HOMES caught up with Erin in her backyard in between appointments.

OUR HOMES: How did your career bring you to Southern Georgian Bay?

Erin: I started my nursing career in 2000 as an emergency room nurse at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto. I was working there when SARS hit in 2003. After SARS, I switched gears and worked as an Infection Control Practitioner for three years. In 2009 I completed the Primary Heath Care Nurse Practitioner Programme then got a job in 2010 with the GBFHT. I gained a lot of experience in both the ER and Infection Control to help better prepare me for our current situation. However, I don’t think anyone can really say they were prepared for what our current world has become, no matter how much applicable education they have.

OH: Explain the highs and lows of working at the COVID-19 assessment centre.

E: It’s still kind of surreal. In the beginning, we were working so many hours. It was hard on my family. The weather has definitely been a factor in the tent. From snow in March and April to the blazing heat – I never thought

I’d have to work outside! Our GBFHT is so great. Everyone has stepped up to the plate and we all support each other. Some days are tough and you want it to be all over. I also continue to do my “regular work” in my physician partners’ offices, doing daily phone call appointments, well baby checks and vaccinations. They are important, too.

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OH: Why Thornbury?

E: I moved to Thornbury in 2010 after I met Chris, but I have been coming up to the area to ski since I was two. My parents also moved to the area in 2007.

OH: Why do you love living in Southern Georgian Bay?

E: There are so many wonderful things to do around here! Skiing, hiking, water sports, exploring, mountain biking. There are also many wonderful local restaurants and shops. The community is small but mighty. It’s a great place to raise a family.

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OH: Tell us about your home.

E: Our house was actually built by my late mother- and father- in-law. They built this house to retire in. When they passed away, my husband and I purchased the house and are slowly making it our own. It sits on an old apple orchard and it’s also very close
to the water, The Georgian Trail and downtown Thornbury. It’s a perfect location.

OH: What is your “at home” happy space and why?

E: I love sitting on our deck in the backyard and watching the kids play in their little pool or jump on the trampoline. It’s where I drink my morning coffee and do my workout. The morning is so quiet and peaceful.

OH: Advice for everyone in the community moving forward.

E: Wash your hands! Our hands spread germs. I’m constantly telling my children to wash their hands and to not touch their face. Also get out and enjoy the fresh air. The outdoors is a great place to social distance and enjoy all that our area has to offer! 


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